Smoking can make H1N1 effects worse
By Jennifer Love
Published: Saturday, November 21, 2009 8:26 AM CST
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has named groups of people at a high risk of developing serious complications from H1N1 Influenza.
In keeping with the last two subpopulation releases which were focused on pregnant women and breastfeeding moms, the Sedgwick County Health Department will continue to send monthly releases focused on different subgroups.
Currently, one of the highest-priority groups consists of persons with chronic respiratory conditions.
These types of conditions, including asthma and heart disease, often arise from smoking.
Influenza is a contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs.
Smoking can trigger asthma, lead to chronic obstructive lung disease (emphysema), heart disease, cancer and a greater risk of developing pneumonia, flu or bronchitis. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), smoking interferes with the body’s mechanisms that keep bacteria and debris out of the lungs.
Those who are exposed to smoke or tobacco are more likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses and are more likely to develop serious complications. Additionally, studies by the CDC show a higher mortality rate from influenza for smokers versus non-smokers.
To prevent severe, life-threatening complications from the flu, it is important to stop smoking.
The flu virus irritates respiratory tract tissue as it moves through the body. Smoking further irritates the tissue and slows the body’s immune response to the virus.
There are hair-like cells that line the nose and airways. These cells are responsible for sweeping away incoming viruses before they have the chance to infect the body.
Smoking paralyzes these cells, making it impossible for them to stop a virus from entering and infecting the body.
Perhaps one of the most noteworthy pieces of information is that it is not only the smoker who is in danger.
Those who are exposed to second hand smoke also can develop severe complications. Children who have been exposed to second hand smoke have been found to have more severe complications from the flu.
While smoking does not make one eligible to receive the vaccine, individuals age 25 through 64 years who have an underlying health condition (such as asthma, heart disease or diabetes) are currently being served by the Sedgwick County Health Department’s vaccine clinic (4095 E. Harry).
Continue to watch, read and listen to the local media for information on when more individuals will be eligible for vaccination. Also, stay up to date on vaccination plans by visiting A fact sheet on vaccines is available at this site. Call 221-1430, Winfield office, or (620) 442-3260, Arkansas City office. with H1N1 questions.
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The 24-hour toll-free Kansas Tobacco Quitline provides screening, counseling, support materials and referral for tobacco cessation assistance based on an individual's readiness to quit.
The program provides comprehensive follow-up counseling for Kansas citizens who are ready to quit or are contemplating a cessation attempt. For more information on quitting call the Kansas Tobacco Quitline at 1-800QUIT-NOW (784-8669).
Jennifer Love is the health coordinator for the City-Cowley County Health Department.