Seton Family of Hospitals Community Stroke Outreach Education Program has been named the TX CVD/Stroke 2010 Promotion Awards
Community CVD/Stroke Outreach Education, Seton Family of Hospitals (Austin) Program Representative: Lauren Brandt, RN MSN CNRN
Seton Medical Center and University Medical Center at Brackenridge were the first two hospitals in Texas to be JCAHO certified as Primary Stroke Centers. The importance of public awareness of stroke risk factors, primary and secondary prevention, recognition of warning signs, timely access to emergency care and health screening in at high risk population are all essential components to our CVD/Stroke Outreach Program. In the past 6 years have coordinated, partnered and collaborated with multiple health care and faith based community organizations to bring educational awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke through health screenings, media campaigns, workshops and special events to residents in the Austin, Round Rock MSA, with special emphasis on the underserved, high risk population. With the recent state of the economy and so many individuals out of work and uninsured, the need for providing community health screening, education and support to at risk groups and communities has never been more critical.
Great reminder on stroke!
ReplyDeleteWatch the official, 3-minute FAST video from the Mass. Dept. of Public Health here - www.MAClearinghouse.com/CatalogPageHDSP.htm - and print out FAST posters and brochures for
(Just click on catalog numbers to access artwork, e.g. #HD2101; please note that "cost," plus shipping expenses will be incurred for orders sent to addresses outside of Mass.)
Ask me about obtaining the FAST PowerPoint, or broadcasting the FAST video on your CCTV or local cable access TV station.
Ted Clark - ted.clark@state.ma.us; 617-624-5444